New Building Faith Journey

New Building Faith Journey

In the Parable of the Talents, we learn the importance of stewardship.

Moulmein Church first inherited its piece of freehold land and building from Christians a generation ago.  In land scarce Singapore, such land is extremely valuable as churches today can only lease land for 30 years.

Our old building was built on the foundation of a pre-World War II residential house!  Not only did it not meet today’s safety and accessibility codes, major repairs amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars were due. Ironically, these would not have brought the building up-to-date on safety codes.

We had the choice to either “bury our talent in the ground”, spend lots of money on repairs or invest in a new building.  After more than a decade of praying and planning, we chose to embark on this reconstruction project to bless this and future generations.

Requirement of a Growing Church
Besides the fact of not meeting safety codes, the old building did not meet our growing needs.

The worship hall was overcrowded and we were short of classrooms for bible classes. Because of safety issues, the use of the building for outreach and community events was very much restricted.

The new building not only meets all the safety codes today, it actually gives us twice as much usable space! What’s more, it is also accessible to the elderly and disabled.

What’s in the New Building?
Basement Worship Hall that seats 400 and Classrooms
Level 1 Carpark space which doubles as fellowship and event spaces
Level 2 Offices, Resource Rooms and Classrooms
Level 3 Kitchen, Classrooms which doubles as Seminar Rooms
Level 4 Small apartment for Missionaries (Only partially built-up with possible expansion in the future by adding floor slabs)
Covered Rooftop Fellowship and Devotional Spaces

With the new facility, the building is fully utilized during the week, with spaces doubling up for several uses.

Offices are used to hold counselling sessions while classrooms are used for giving student care or free tuition to students from poor families.  Seminar Rooms are used to conduct workshops on marriage, parenting and financial management.  Kitchen and fellowship spaces are used to minister to the elderly, disabled and the poor.

Why do we need help?
Although our average Sunday attendance is about 200, we only have 100 working members.  Of the $7.3 million price tag of the building project, almost $4.5 million have come from these members.  They have further pledged another $480k pledged over the next 3 years.  Churches as well as families and friends have stepped in and given $1.7M, of which 90% came from Southeast Asia, and 10% from USA.  We do need help with the remaining $654,000.

Donate generously
Money is part of discipleship, and generous giving brings glory to God.  Let us sow generously.  Click here to contribute to the Building Fund.

Figures as of December 2020